3.1.  Introduction to Forms and Report

      Forms and reports are an important part of the database application. Designer use them to create an integrated application, making it easier for user to perform their task. Decision maker and clerical workers use forms and reports on a daily basis. Normally forms were used as input and report were used to display result. Nowadays, forms are also used to display result.
Basic uses of forms are,
·         Collect data
·         Display query data
·         Display analysis and computation result
·         Switch board
·         Direct manipulation of object like Graphics 

      Reports are typically printed on paper, but they are increasingly begin created for direct display on the screen. Report can be used to format the data and present results from complex analysis. Forms and reports have several common features.
3.2.    Effective Design of forms and Reports

      When designing forms and reports, one must remember that they are the primary contact with the users. The key to effective design is to determine the needs of the user. Research into human factors design has also led to several hints and guidelines that designers should follow when building forms and reports.
      There are some basic human factors design elements that system designers should incorporate in their applications. They are,
User Control
      With current operating systems, the primary factor is that the users-not the programmer and not the application-should always have control. For example do not expect users to enter data in a particular sequence.
      Application responds to the events or triggers by performing calculations, retrieving or storing data, and offering new choices.
      Whenever possible, provide options for user customization.
      Example: Changing the display features such as color, typeface, or size. 
      To ensure consistency, there are two factors
o   At the beginning of the application establish a design standard and basic template for all designers to use.
o   Toward the end of the application development always go back and check for consistency. 

      Clarity means keeping the application simple and well organized. If the application has multiple forms and reports, organize them according to user tasks. It helps to have a clear purpose for an application and to make sure the design enhances that purpose. Use precise terminology, avoid jargon, and stick with terms that are used within the organization.
Example: If a company refers to its employees as “Assocites”, use that term, instead of “Employees”.
      Aesthetics also play an important role in the user interface. The goal is to use color and design to enhance the forms and reports. Although design and art are highly subjective, bad designs are immediately obvious to others. Graphics and art are important, and they provide an attractive and familiar environment for users.
          Uses of feedback include accepting input, acknowledging changes of data, highlighting completion of a task, or signifying the start or completion of some event.
          Several options can be used to provide feedback. Visually, the cursor can be changed, text can be highlighted, a button can be “pushed in,” or a box may change color.
          More direct forms of feedback, such as displaying messages on the screen, can be used in more complicated cases. Some systems use audio feedback, playing a musical theme or sound when the user selects a task or when the computer finishes an operation.
      Designers should provide the users with the possibility of,
o   Anticipation and correction of errors and confirmation on deletions and updates
o   Backup and recovery of data

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